Friday, March 25, 2011

Jordan & Chaz

The other day, I mean, the other BEAUTIFUL day, I decided that I just HAD to go on an impromptu photo shoot and take advantage of the warm weather. So I called up my friend, Jordan, and within an hour she and her boyfriend, Chaz, were ready for the spotlight! I met Jordan last summer when we both slaved away at the Searcy Country Club. Many a fun times were had! She and Chaz have been dating long distance for a few years now and so for her semester of student teaching she decided to move to Searcy and  teach at a school here. I'm so glad she's been in town this semester!
For their session, I decided not to use any props for their shoot since the last couple shoots I've done we used my frame and cute letters. I think the ones we got are perfect for this couple, they're so much fun! Chaz is on the Harding Bisons football team, so naturally we shot a couple with a football. Here are my favorites, tell me what you think!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Noelle & Bri: Searcy Portrait Photographer

FINALLY, a photoshoot without numb hands and shivering subjects.
The lighting today was perfect, there was a slight feel of spring in the air, and my models were absolutely gorgeous. 
Noelle & Bri are not just roomies but they're also best friends, club sisters, and have traveled the world together. Literally. Just ask them about Australia.
I had a day off work and wanted nothing more than to go have some serious bonding time with my camera, and these two fabulous girls volunteered for me!
I also took miss Brooke along with me, as my assistant and so that the girls would be a little more natural in front of the camera. 
Here are my favorites, I LOVE how warm they feel!!

Can we say Vogue?


There you go girls, sorry it took me forever to get you guys up on the blog! I couldn't narrow it down very much because ya'll are just too cute :)